Sapotech is about to deliver its Reveal CAST solution for monitoring of steel slab surface quality to a major steel mill in Scandinavia, for the first time as a service. We introduced this service concept in April 2014 as an option to the traditional purchasing model and we are extremely proud to see this true innovation now coming into implementation during the upcoming weeks.
There are clear benefits in favor of such a decision:
- No need to invest in hardware nor software
- No hidden costs as all maintenance is included in the package
- Service can be terminated in case of not paying back
- After service period, product can optionally be purchased at residual value
- Service provider is committed to long term partnership and continuous improvement
- Payback is immediate or – as says CEO Saku Kaukonen “It’s a negative payback time for our service customers: they will collect the value before they even had the time to pay their first service fee”… He cannot be so right!!